Saturday, September 17, 2011

Always Appreciate a Good Playground

Is it just me or is there really a shortage of good playgrounds in this city? This is a constant conundrum for L & me. We have our limited faves but are always on the lookout for more around town that suit our needs. L really prefers a playground sans sand; highly desired are the ones with the spongey surface - and no darn wood chips. Unfortunately, those are few and far between. So, inevitably we have to settle for second best.

Today was one of those instances of finding a playground happy medium: not crowded, shady, clever climbing structures, very little sand, but lots of wood chips. The kids had a blast. They tried every structure: swings, spider web climbing maze with a trampoline center, monkey bars, slides, spinny things (for lack of knowing their proper name), and grass for running and kicking a ball.

And it was all in a quiet neighborhood off of Cordova in Pasadena, at a place called Grant Park. There's even a covered picnic table area with charcoal grills, baseball diamond and tennis courts, and tons of free parking. Hooray for an awesome discovery - thanks to another dear mom friend, Y.

~ C

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